Studying on the Similarities and Differences about the Idea of Gongfu Between Zhangzai and Chen's Brothers from the Relationship of Xing and Qi

Studying on the Similarities and Differences about the Idea of Gongfu Between Zhangzai and Chen's Brothers from the Relationship of Xing and Qi
Xiao-dong GUO
This article deals with the different understanding of the relationship of xing and qi between Zhang Zai and Chen's brothers, and their different theories of self cultivation. Zhang Zai and Chen Yi emphasized the differences between xing and qi. They thought that there is the xing of benti, on the other hand, there is the nature of temperament on individual person. Moreover, the latter is the element of downside in human nature and of restrict on being a sage. Therefore, for Chen Yi and Zhang Zai, the aspect of self cultivation of scholar is just about the nature of temperament. On the contrary, Chen Hao insisted that xing and qi were not two opposites originally, so the gongfu itself is not necessary to direct towards qi, but comprehending benti firstly.
xing, qi, gongfu
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