The Relation between Tanabe Hajime's Ontology of the Yijing and Logic of Species

The Relation between Tanabe Hajime's Ontology of the Yijing and Logic of Species
Chin-ping LIAO
In this paper I try to figure out the relationship between Kyoto School philosopher Tanabe Hajime's (1885-1962) Logic of Species and ontology of Confucian ethics. I want to reveal the connection between Chinese philosophy (mainly the New-Confucian learnings from the Song Dynasty and Wang Yangming) and Tanabe's philosophy which has not be sufficiently discussed. In About ontology of Confucianism (1928), Tanabe analyzed the ontology of Confucian ethics by thinking of the ideas of Taiji and Yinyang in Yijing. Tanabe also referred to Discussion on Yi by Takase Takezirou (1869-1950), a scholar on Wang Yangming, for reflecting on Taiji and Yinyang. From this clue, I discussed Discussion on Yi in this paper first. After analyzing this book, I went on discussing Tanabe's comparative research in the aspect of the ontology of Yijing and the ontology of Greece and Christianity. I also described how Confucianism ontology has influence on Tanabe's Logic of Species. In the end , I concluded that Tanabe's Confucianism ontology (ontology of Yijing) and Logic of Species have the same dialectical structure.
The Logic of Species, ontology of Confucian ethics, Taiji, Yinyang, Yijing, Song Neo-Confucianism
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