Reconsidering “the Chinese Lyrical Tradition”: The Friendship between Tang Jun-yi and Hu Lan-cheng and its Significance in Cultural History

Reconsidering “the Chinese Lyrical Tradition”: The Friendship between Tang Jun-yi and Hu Lan-cheng and its Significance in Cultural History
QIN Yanchun
Tang Jun-yi (1909-1978) is one of the most important representatives of oversea Neo-Confucianists and known as a noble man with integrity. Hu Lan-cheng (1906-1981), in contrast, is a genius with traitorous and notorious reputation. The quarter century of friendship between Tang and Hu has been overlooked and deserves a close examination into its profound implications, especially from the aspect of Tang Jun-yi. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the incomprehensible long-term friendship among them somehow reveals Tang’s insight and compassion for the spiritual ethos and expression of Chinese culture. The nature of Tang’s perspective is not only about how modern Chinese academia writes and poses questions. More importantly, it is related to an ultimate concern about how human being can get settled, committed, and dependency in life. In other words, it is all about how to make out and practice “poetry, ritual, music, and cultivation.” In sum, the “lyrical tradition” can be reconsidered by means of examining the friendship between Tang and Hu.
Tang Jun-yi, Hu Lan-cheng, Neo-Confusianism, Lyrical Tradition, Dispositon, Poetry, Ritual, Music and Cultivation
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