The Tradition of Study on Ch’un-ch’iu-hsüeh at Kyoto University
The Tradition of Study on Ch’un-ch’iu-hsüeh at Kyoto University
When we talk about the sinological studies at Kyoto University, the term “the Kyoto school” is always used not only within scholars but in general. But I doubted on this term, for I think it is an imagine without evidence. Nowadays there is no more active school of sinology in Kyoto University. It is certain that the school called “Kyoto-sinology” had existed formerly, but that has long since been a thing of the past. There is, however, no denying that the sinological studies at Kyoto University have kept several her own traditions all the time. The tradition of study on Ch’un-ch’iu-hsüeh (春秋學) is one of them.
Most professors of the history of Chinese philosophy at Kyoto University, such as Kano Naoki (狩野直喜), Ojima Sukema (小島祐馬), Shigezawa Toshio (重澤俊郎) & Hihara Toshikuni (日原利國), invested much of their energy in studying Ch’un-ch’iu-hsüeh, and made many great achievements. Their characteristics and methods of research were different. Kano was rather an orthodox scholar of Confucianism; Ojima paid attention to the theory of history and revolution with much concern in contemporary China; Shigezawa criticized its idealism standing on historical
materialism; Hihara analyzed its political influence in the struggle between chin-wên-hsüen (今文學) and ku-wên-hsüeh (古文學) .
On the other hand, they had a common ground. They all attached great importance to Kung-yang-hsüeh (公羊學) in the Han period, and examined its ideology. It is because the regarded ching-hsüeh (經學) not as mere exegesis, but as supreme expression of thought, and this point of view is the very tradition of the sinological
studies at Kyoto University.
Kyoto-sinology, Ch’un-ch’iu-hsüeh, Kano Naoki, Ojima Sukema Shigezawa Toshio, Hihara Toshikuni
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