Yoshikawa Kōjirō’s Research Methodology on Shijing
Yoshikawa Kōjirō’s Research Methodology on Shijing
This paper focuses on the works by Japanese Sinologist, Yoshikawa Kōjirō
(1904-1980), and his research methodology on Shijing. It is divided into four sections:(1) the biography of Yoshikawa; (2) Yoshikawa’s research works on Shijing; (3) Yoshikawa’s research methodology on Shijing; (4) the discussions on Yoshikawa’s
research methodology. By way of this investigation, we find that Yoshikawa’s research methodology on Shijing is primarily based on his exhaustive research on reference materials, texts collation, adhering to old annotations, analyzing of linguistic elements, and other important methods. His methods of research is deemed as following the tradition of textual criticism of the Qing scholars, and is also heavily influenced by his teacher, Kino Naoki. Yoshikawa’s research on Shijing is an objective study, which in particular, focuses strongly on the linguistic beauty of Shijing. However, his interpretations of Shijing sometimes lack innovative insights due to his close reading of old annotations. In addition, he seldom refers to studies
made by the Chinese and Japanese scholars after the Qing dynasty, which nevertheless is a bit too conservative in his ways of interpretations.
Yoshikawa Kōjirō, Shijing, Kyoto School of Sinology
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