The Phenomenon of Receiving Popular Taiwanese Fiction in Vietnamese Society from The 20th Century until Nowadays

The Phenomenon of Receiving Popular Taiwanese Fiction in Vietnamese Society from The 20th Century until Nowadays
Thuy Trang TRINH
The changeable situation from the late 19th century to the 20th century makes the world’s politics, societies and ideologies into a great change. In this epoch, a lot of new problem, new phenomenon and modern ideology appeared. The publication of periodicals, establishment of publishing houses and new writers coming out that promoted modern literature and translated literature growth. Firstly, modern fiction imitated Western model emerged in the South of Vietnamese society, written by romanization language. Secondly, Chinese classical fictions translated into romanization, then published on periodicals; at the same period, with the popularization of romanization words, French classical fictions translated too. Beside that, Chinese people in Sai Gon Chợ Lớn read many of from Hong Kong, Taiwan popular fictions, especially Qiong Yao and Louis Cha’s works. These Chinese people whom translated their works into Vietnamese language, which in the first time as a new phenomenon of receiving popular Taiwan fiction in South of Vietnam. This paper, through the modern literature movement under Vietnamese society context, the interaction between Taiwan and Vietnam, the author is deeply going to discuss the phenomenon of receiving popular Taiwanese fiction in Vietnamese society from the early 20th century until nowadays, express the loving Taiwan popular fiction of Vietnamese readers so much so that as a popular craze.
Taiwanese popular fiction, Vietnamese society, phenomenon, reception, from the 20th century to the present
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