Business Chinese in E-Commerce – Textbook Analysis & Research

Business Chinese in E-Commerce – Textbook Analysis & Research
Hsin-Hsin Cindy LEE, Li-Yu CHEN
The main research focus of this paper is the textbook analysis and teaching planning of e-commerce Chinese. The current cross-strait business Chinese-related research is mainly in the direction of general business. This article first proposes the theme of "e-commerce" as a sub-field of Business Chinese and CSP (Chinese for Specific Purposes). From a macro perspective, it examines a total of 143 business Chinese textbooks published by the two sides of the strait and the United States and the United Kingdom in the past 20 years. Among the 143 textbooks, there are only 31 textbooks containing units related to e-commerce. This study uses content analysis to label the content of 31 e-commerce texts. After triangulation, the study identifies 229 logs which further indicate the three most frequently mentioned e-commerce themes. They are the historical development and characteristics of e-commerce, the business model and cases of e-commerce, and the security and legal issues of e-commerce. The research result also shows the trend of content development in e-commerce throughout the past 20 years. At the end of paper, the authors make recommendations in developing the curriculum and material for teaching and learning Business Chinese of E-commerce.
Business Chinese teaching and learning, textbook analysis, e-commerce, content analysis
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