The Transformation of Bushido and the Way of the Merchant from Pre-modern to Modern Times
The Transformation of Bushido and the Way of the Merchant from Pre-modern to Modern Times
Kun-Chiang CHANG
This article is intended to explore the transformation of bushido and the way of the merchant. It especially contrasts the discourses on the relationship between bushido and the way of the merchant in the Tokugawa period and the early Meiji
Restoration, having an insight into the features of the transformation by
analyzing the types of the discourses. Concerning the Tokugawa period, I choose several exemplary characters, namely, the samurai-Zen monk of the early Tokugawa period, Suzuki Shōsan (鈴木正三, 1579-1655), and Nishikawa Zyoken (西川如見, 1648-1724), who had contributed significantly to the common people's education; besides, this article also analyzes the discourses on the way of the
merchant and bushido by the scholar of the mid-late Tokugawa period, Ishida
Baigan (石田梅岩, 1685-1744), the Kaitokudo's Neo-Confucianist from Osaka, Nakai Riken (中井履軒, 1732-1817), and the scholar keenly dedicated to commerce, Kaiho Seiryō (海保青陵, 1755-1817). Regarding the Meiji Restoration, this article explores the discourses on the relationship between bushido and the way of the merchant by two samurai-merchants, Shibusawa Eiiti (澀澤榮一, 1840-1931), Iwasaki Yatarou (岩崎彌太郎, 1834-1885), and the Christian Nitobe Inazo (1862-1933). This article, in the end, has an insight into the features of the
transformation through the contrast between the pre-modern and the modern
times based on the afore-mentioned works on the relationship between bushido and the way of the merchant.
Bushido, Way of Merchant, Suzuki Shōsan, Ishida Baigan, Shibusawa Eiiti, Kaiho Seiryō, Nitobe Inazo
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