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A Transition in the Concept of Human Being during the Nguyen Dynasty(1802-1945): From the Traditional “family-based” Paradigm to the Modern “individual-based” Paradigm
A Transition in the Concept of Human Being during the Nguyen Dynasty(1802-1945): From the Traditional “family-based” Paradigm to the Modern “individual-based” Paradigm
A Transition in the Concept of Human Being during the Nguyen Dynasty(1802-1945): From the Traditional “family-based” Paradigm to the Modern “individual-based” Paradigm
Dinh Khanh NGUYEN
The Nguyen Dynasty is the last monarchy in the history of Vietnam. This period is considered to be the turning point of the traditional and modern history of thought in Vietnam. The question that needs to be discussed is: What is the basis for affirming this period to be the turning point? This article chooses the concept of human being as the starting point to examine how the transition from the traditional to the modern mode happened. There was a transition from the “family-based paradigm” to the “individual-based paradigm”. The former was Vietnamese original paradigm that was deeply influenced by the Chinese culture, the latter was the result of Vietnam-Western cultural exchange. This basic transition of paradigm is one of the key points to understand the intellectual background of this period.
Nguyen Dynasty, concept of human being, East West cultural exchange, family, individual
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