Kitarō Nishida on Reality and Experience: Placing Focus on his Zen no Kenkyu
Kitarō Nishida on Reality and Experience: Placing Focus on his Zen no Kenkyu
Wen-Hong Huang
In this paper I intend to clarify the basic thought of Kitarō Nishida's "Reality" and "Experience", which are very important for understanding his philosophical development. It is my view that Nishida identify Reality with Experience. He deepens this thought and establishes it as a system of Universal, which later been explained as the logic of Nothingness. We can therefore say that the philosophy of Nishida is formed by reaching down into the pure experience and explaining it logically. This
article is divided into four sections. In the first section I begin with a short description of the topic of this article, and then in the second section I survey Nishida's concept of Reality and its relation to Experience. Then I try in the third section to clarify and interpret the dialectical structure of the Pure Experience. My primary focus in these three sections is to elucidate the intrinsic nature of his philosophical
system. By summarizing my own interpretation above, I attempt in the concluding section to provide some issues which can be helpful for a further comparative study.
Kyoto school, Comparative Philosophy, Nishida, Pure Experience, Reality,
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